Thanks to all who attended. It was a great evening with lots of great information shared by Sheryl. In case you missed the event, here is a copy of the presentation, as well as a few depression and anxiety related key notes & attachments. Enjoy!!
Canadian Mental Health Association - Sheryl's Presentation:
Church of Nativity website – Reawaken (the mind) to a healthy state. This message series covers:
Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ:
Focus on the Family
PS. Mark your calendar for the next Café on May 13, on Mental Health and Addiction Support. Registration ahead (click on this link) is appreciated. Thanks!
Friends in Faith - Connection Café is a new program with events being held once a month in the evening.
Who is the Connection Cafe for? Really, for everyone who’s looking for spiritual support to get through the challenges we all face in life. Each event will feature a practical life or wellness topic, such as Mental Health, How to Age Well, How to Keep your Children Strong in Their Faith, and much more.
Discussion, prayer, fellowship and refreshments will round out the evening. Ultimately, we hope that these events will enable people to grow in their faith and feel supported while learning from each other.
Mental Health Wellness Series with Guest Speaker Sheryl Giesbrecht from CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association)
A Mental Illness in Manitoba: Hope for Recovery report states: “In any given year, mental illness affects more than 6.7 million Canadians. Although there are many types of mental illness, what they all have in common is that they cause emotional distress and disrupt a person’s daily life.”
Please join us on the following dates for informative evenings and discussion!
April's Connection Cafe Topic: Depression and Anxiety – What are they, what are the signs and symptoms, when do you need to get medical/professional help, and strategies to manage.
You can register online here. There is no cost to attend, just a goodwill offering.
April 21, 2024: CWL Spring Luncheon - What is mental health and how do I get it? Explanation of the difference between “mental health” and “mental illness”, and why mental health is important and how it is connected to physical health, strategies to maintain positive mental health and signs that tell you to see a doctor for help. $25.00 per person. Tickets on sale April 6, 7 and April 13, 14 in the Atrium.
May's Connection Cafe Topic: Addictions and Mental Illness Support - How to support someone with an addiction issue or a mental illness, self-care for family members, avoid ultimatums and threats, set boundaries, show kindness, offer support with limits, attend CHMA course called CRAFT for Families. See attached posters for current offerings. Or click here to indicate if you’d be interested in attending one of these courses if held at MMOC in the fall.
NOTE: Future monthly Connection Café dates are: May 13, and June 3.
For further details, contact the Marriage Family and Life Team.