Do you want to be a better Catholic? Draw nearer to God? Become more Christ-like? Then maybe you have a call to a secular order like the Secular Franciscan Order.
As a member of the SFO, you will find the direction, inspiration, encouragement, and support you need to work on your spiritual goals in the community. In addition to the practical help you will receive to assist you in leading a spiritually rich and fulfilling Christian life, you will also share fully in all the graces of the worldwide Franciscan family.
For more information contact:
Kate Klassen, cell 204 955 0756, or email - [email protected]
Bernadette McCann, 204 474 0320 or email - [email protected]
DownloadsOver the years the Franciscan group in the parish has initiated projects and programs. These ranged from:
Check out some Franciscan websites for interesting topics: